Useful Information for the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium to be held in Boulder (re-worded from details posted on the SPaRC 2022 General Assembly, hub in Boulder)
You may need to apply for a visitor visa if travelling abroad for the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium. People from certain countries do not need to apply for a visa before travelling to the USA, providing you only intend to stay temporarily. For more information about obtaining a visa see:
Letter of Invitation
If you require a formal letter of invitation to apply for a visa to attend the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2024, held in Boulder Colorado, please contact us with your request. The following information should be included in your email:
- Title (eg: Prof / Dr / Mr / Ms)
- Full Name
- Nationality
- Affiliation
- Address
- Your title and abstract that has been submitted
- Your contribution to the symposium
Travel To Boulder
Denver International Airport (DIA) to Boulder
University of Colorado (General Information)
Registration and Meeting location
Glenn Miller Ballroom (GMB) Location on CU Campus

GMB contained in the University Memorial Center

Hotel Information in Boulder
Bus options in Boulder and the surrounding area
Biking and Walking in Boulder
Parking for QOS
QOS symposium location is University Memorial Center (UMC) 1669 Euclid Ave, Boulder, CO 80309