Instructions for Presenters

Please Note:  Deadline for recorded videos for: remote oral video presentation and 2 minute remote poster video presentations is 11:59PM MDT, July 10th, 2024

Dear Presenters,
Please click on the appropriate PDF(s) for instructions for the various presentations.


In-person Oral Presentations

  • • The meeting will be broadcast using WebEx (link to be provided at a later date)

  • • Each presentation is allotted 12 minutes. This includes both Q&A, and transitions between talks,

  • • Presentations will all be shown from a facility computer. Both a PC and a Mac are available from the podium.

  • • For in-person oral presentations, presenters should feel free to use either the PC or Mac using MS Powerpoint, Keynote, PDFs, or

  • Pages. However, having the presentation in PDF format generally alleviates problems with fonts, embedded materials, etc.

  • • Please title your in-person presentation with your last name, session number, abstract number, and presentation date

  • LastName_SX_###_2024-07-DD. pptx

  • • Examples:

  • • Doug Kinnison’s talk would be titled: Kinnison_S1_0184_2024-07-15.pptx

  • • Marta Abalos talk would be titled: Abalos_S3_009_2024-07-17.pptx

  • • Slides should be in landscape mode (16:9). Other sized are handled (16:10, 4:3, and square), but may lead to some edge problems

  • or resizing downward.

  • • Avoid small unreadable fonts (generally no smaller than 28 pt), and use bold fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Calibri). Avoid serif fonts like

  • Times New Roman.

  • • Upload your presentation to the drop box when finished at least 24h prior to you presentation:


In-Person Oral Presentations Description

Remote Oral Video Presentations

  • The meeting will be broadcast using WebEx (link to be provided at a later date)

  • Remote presentations will be 10-minute videos only. The video must be no more than 10-minutes in length to

  • accommodate question time and talk transitions.

  • No live presentations will be allowed for these presentation, you must pre-record your contribution as a video and

  • submit it in advance of the scheduled presentation time-slot.

  • Presentations will all be shown from a facility computer. Both a PC and a Mac are available from the podium.

  • Please title your in-person presentation with your last name, session number, abstract number, and presentation

  • date LastName_SX_###_2024-07-DD-REMOTE. pptx include the REMOTE designation.

  • Examples: Newman_S1_0888_2024-07-15_REMOTE.pptx

  • Remote presenters should output their presentations to video: .mp4 or .mov, 1920x1080 resolution.

  • Videos should be in landscape mode (16:9 or 4:3)

  • Avoid small unreadable fonts (generally no smaller than 28 pt), and use bold fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Calibri). Avoid

  • serif fonts like Times New Roman.

  • Upload your presentation to the drop box when finished at least 24h prior to you presentation :


2-minute Remote Poster Video Presentations

  • The meeting will be broadcast using WebEx (link to be provided at a later date)
  • No live presentations will be allowed for these presentation, you must pre-record your contribution as a video and submit it in advance of
  • the scheduled presentation time-slot
  • The poster 2-minute video presentations will be restricted to 2 minutes or less. This length will accommodate video transitions.
  • Presentations will all be shown from a facility computer. Both a PC and a Mac are available from the podium. The 2-minute remote poster
  • video presentations will start at 5 PM MDT on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday prior to the end-of-day poster sessions.
  • Please title your in-person presentation with your last name, session number, abstract number, and presentation date
  • LastName_SX_###_2024-07-DD_2min. pptx include the 2min designation.
  • Examples: Newman_S1_0888_2024-07-15-2min.pptx
  • The 2-minute remote poster video presentations should be output to video: .mp4 or .mov, 1920 x 1080 resolution.
  • Videos should be in landscape mode (16:9 or 4:3)
  • Avoid small unreadable fonts (generally no smaller than 28 pt), and use bold fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Calibri). Avoid serif fonts like Times
  • New Roman.
  • Upload your presentation to the drop box when finished at least 24h prior to you presentation :
  • The 2-minute poster presentation videos will be available on a Vimeo web site during the meeting.
  • In addition to these 2-minute videos on Vimeo, additional remote poster material can also uploaded to the Vimeo site (e.g., poster PDFs,

longer-length videos, PPTs, etc.). This Vimeo web site will be publicly available for a few months following the meeting. Any supplemental

material should be named as above, but with an additional “_supplement” appended to the end of the title.

Poster 2 Minute Remote Description

In-Person Poster Presentations

  • Posters should be no larger than 4’ X 4’ or 120 cm X 120 cm.

  • Allow for a 2.54 cm (1 inch) border.

  • Avoid small unreadable fonts (generally no smaller than 28 pt), and use bold fonts (Arial, Helvetica,

  • Calibri). Avoid serif fonts like Times New Roman. Avoid too much text.

  • Put your poster session and paper number on the top left corner of your poster.

  • Make sure to put your poster title and author list on your poster. Have contact information for at

  • least one author in case there are follow-up questions.

  • If you wish to upload your poster electronically, please convert it to a pdf file, then title your in-

  • person poster with your last name, session number, abstract number, and presentation date

  • LastName_PX###_2024-07-DD_poster. pdf.

  • Examples: Newman_P1_0888_2024-07-15_poster.pdf

  • Bring your own poster. If you wish to have it printed on site, there is a company called the Ink Spot

  • downstairs (on the first floor) from the main meeting rooms for QOS and in the same building so

  • very convenient. Please coordinate directly with them about the best time to send your poster in for

  • it to available for picking up Monday morning before the start of the symposium.

  • Please note: QOS will NOT cover the cost of poster printing.

Poster In-person Description